One-Click Start

Easy Announcements
Frequently used settings and messages with just one click!
Start your announcements quickly and easily right now 📢

How It Works


지리산 국립공원

지리산국립공원에서 정기적으로 예약된 안내방송을 하고있습니다. 수년째 안정적인 방송을 제공하고 있으며 더욱 전문화된 국립공원 안내방송을 제공하고 있습니다.



광명동굴에서는 매일 예약을 설정하여 정기적인 안내방송을 하고 있습니다. 외국인이 많은 관광지 특성상 영어로도 안내방송을 제공하고 있습니다. 또한 수시로 필요에 의한 호출방송도 제공하고 있습니다.


Doosan We've The Zenith

You can broadcast various apartment notices with clear pronunciation with just one click. If you're currently using microphone announcements, try it now! Experience a different dimension of apartment announcements.


Cafe Astana

We schedule regular announcements and immediately broadcast call-outs for ordered menus. With the change in broadcasting, we've been reborn as a more specialized, high-quality cafe.

play_circle 요양원 사용 이미지

편리하게 사용하고 있어요

식사시간, 프로그램 안내, 면회 알림 등
일상적인 안내방송부터 응급상황까지
체계적이고 안정적인 방송 시스템을 제공합니다

음악 스트리밍 앱과 함께 안내방송하세요

안내방송이 나갈 때 음악 앱의 볼륨을 자동으로 조절해 완벽한 방송 환경을 제공합니다
다양한 스트리밍 서비스와 연동하여 더욱 전문적인 방송 시스템을 구축하세요
*위메이크보이스 설치파일 필요


방송 시 자동 볼륨 조절


다양한 앱과 원활한 연동


세부 설정 가능

수많은 안내 방송 템플릿

안내 멘트 고민은 그만!
미리 준비된 상황별 안내 멘트로 바로 방송하세요

전세계 언어, 다양한 목소리 지원

40개국 외국어 지원!
다양한 아나운서 목소리로 방송할 수 있습니다

방송 기록 확인

방송 내역을 기간 별로 편하게 확인하세요!
엑셀로 다운받아서 확인도 가능합니다

편리한 보고서 작성

방송 내역을 보고서로 작성해야하나요?
보고서 작성도 클릭 몇 번으로 바로 저장, 인쇄하세요!

자주하는 방송은 예약 방송으로!

단일 예약, 주간 예약, 월간 예약으로
반복해야하는 안내 방송을 예약할 수 있어요

예약된 방송을 한눈에!

캘린더로 한눈에 방송 예약 현황을 확인하고,
바로 방송 예약을 편집, 삭제할 수 있어요

상황에 맞게 섬세하게 조절할 수 있어요

속도, 배경음, 효과음, 차임벨 등
상황에 어울리는 방송을 제공할 수 있어요.

지정된 시간에 음악 방송도 가능

시간에 맞춰서
뉴에이지, 클래식, 크리스마스 카테고리 음악을 재생할 수 있어요

Easy and convenient
Make your announcements

The burden of microphone broadcasting and various complaint stresses,
Now, with just one click, a professional announcer provides in-house and apartment announcements.

Frequently broadcasted content,
Schedule and automate

If you have content that you frequently broadcast at specific times,
You can schedule (one-time, weekly, monthly) and broadcast automatically. Starting from BUSINESS membership

With 984 professional voice actors
Suitable for any broadcasting situation

With diverse voices for all ages and 40 foreign language voices
Choose the appropriate voice for your situation and make your announcements.

Because accurate delivery is key

Set the broadcasting speed and tone
With accurate pronunciation and natural voices
Deliver your message smoothly and clearly.

With various genres of background music

Announcements come with various genres of background music.
Choose background music that fits the mood, from calm melodies to jazz, for your broadcasts.

Already in many places You can hear WeMakeVoice's voices

Verified in various companies, knowledge industry centers, government offices, apartments, and care facilities

Seoul San Boram Hospital
IT Manager Park Seong-gyu

As someone who conducts regular broadcasts twice a day, employee and customer satisfaction has increased after using WeMakeVoice announcements. I'm quite satisfied with it so far, and I think I'll continue using it as long as there are no system issues.

Atomy Co., Ltd.
Yoon Jin-woo from BizLab Education Operations

We hold 4 seminar events a month with over 3,000 attendees, and the high-quality diction and situational voice characters delivered in a place where many people gather are a great help in running the seminars. Moreover, as we have customers from overseas, we need foreign language broadcasts, and it's very useful that we can broadcast in languages other than Korean. WeMakeVoice has greatly reduced the concerns of our seminar operation staff.

Urban Comprehensive Management Co., Ltd.
Kim Won-il, Electrical Engineering Representative of Blue City

After using WeMakeVoice announcements as our in-house announcement system, the residents' reactions improved and the workers' difficulties were resolved. The price is satisfactory, and the functions are easy to operate, making it convenient to use. As it can solve all the drawbacks of live broadcasting, I think it would be great if other branches used it too. Thank you.

Seongpo Jugong 11 Complex Management Office
Kim Hyang-eun, General Affairs

After using WeMakeVoice announcements, the burden of broadcasting has been greatly reduced, and writing broadcast scripts is simple and easy, making our work relatively comfortable.

Seoul San Boram Hospital
IT Manager Park Seong-gyu

As someone who conducts regular broadcasts twice a day, employee and customer satisfaction has increased after using WeMakeVoice announcements. I'm quite satisfied with it so far, and I think I'll continue using it as long as there are no system issues.

Atomy Co., Ltd.
Yoon Jin-woo from BizLab Education Operations

We hold 4 seminar events a month with over 3,000 attendees, and the high-quality diction and situational voice characters delivered in a place where many people gather are a great help in running the seminars. Moreover, as we have customers from overseas, we need foreign language broadcasts, and it's very useful that we can broadcast in languages other than Korean. WeMakeVoice has greatly reduced the concerns of our seminar operation staff.

Urban Comprehensive Management Co., Ltd.
Kim Won-il, Electrical Engineering Representative of Blue City

After using WeMakeVoice announcements as our in-house announcement system, the residents' reactions improved and the workers' difficulties were resolved. The price is satisfactory, and the functions are easy to operate, making it convenient to use. As it can solve all the drawbacks of live broadcasting, I think it would be great if other branches used it too. Thank you.

Seongpo Jugong 11 Complex Management Office
Kim Hyang-eun, General Affairs

After using WeMakeVoice announcements, the burden of broadcasting has been greatly reduced, and writing broadcast scripts is simple and easy, making our work relatively comfortable.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q.

    Can I use the announcement system with old broadcasting equipment? expand_more

    Yes, it's possible. Most public address systems, even if old, operate in the same way, so you can use our announcement service.
    If you're curious about how to connect the broadcasting equipment hereClick to see how to connect the announcement system to your computer.

  • Q.

    How is the announcement system configured? expand_more

    It's a system that broadcasts by connecting your existing broadcasting equipment to a computer. After opening the WeMakeVoice website, you write the content, click broadcast, and the voice is sent to the broadcasting equipment.

    You can think of it as simply connecting an additional microphone (computer audio signal) to your broadcasting equipment.

  • Q.

    Is it possible without broadcasting equipment? expand_more

    For small spaces (like cafes), broadcasting is possible with just a computer and PC speakers. However, for large facilities, broadcasting equipment (public address system) is necessary.

  • Q.

    How do I connect the broadcasting equipment to the computer? expand_more

    From WeMakeVoice Purchase a connection kitYou can connect the broadcasting equipment to your computer and start broadcasting. With a simple installation, you can connect in just 3 minutes.

    The connection kit consists of a selector, small speaker, noise filter, and 3 cables, priced at 83,000 won (VAT included). The selector is used for test broadcasts to preview before actual broadcasting. If you have an environment where you can test broadcasts on your own, you don't need to purchase the connection kit.

    If you're curious about connecting broadcasting equipment through the connection kit Purchase a connection kit You can connect the broadcasting equipment to your computer and start broadcasting. With a simple installation, you can connect in just 3 minutes.

    The connection kit consists of a selector, small speaker, noise filter, and 3 cables, priced at 83,000 won (VAT included). The selector is used for test broadcasts to preview before actual broadcasting. If you have an environment where you can test broadcasts on your own, you don't need to purchase the connection kit.

    If you're curious about connecting broadcasting equipment through the connection kit hereClick to see how to connect the announcement system to your computer.

  • Q.

    How much are the usage fees? expand_more

    You can choose a plan that fits your usage. The fees are membership pageCheck on the membership page. Note that if you choose an annual plan, you can get up to 40% discount.

  • Q.

    Can it be applied to apartments or officetels? expand_more

    Currently, many apartments and officetels are using it. If you connect it to the public address system equipment, you can broadcast without any problems.

  • Q.

    Is it possible to pay by bank transfer with an electronic tax invoice? expand_more

    Yes, it's possible. We can issue electronic tax invoices monthly or annually, and payment can be made through bank transfer.

    To get assistance, click the chat icon in the bottom right corner of the screen -> [Contact Us] -> [Payment Inquiry] -> [Connect with an Agent]. Our support team will guide you through the process.

  • Start your announcements quickly and easily right now!

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