the perfect voice

for any situation or context
You can create the right voice.

자세히 알아보기

Try Our Voice Generator

Speed, Tone, Volume, Interval Settings, etc.
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[Caution] When creating synthetic sounds of illegal or anti-social content(disgraceful, obscene, violent such as abusive language, illegal and hateful, sex-discriminatory, etc.) You can not use.
서비스 배너 이미지
Easy way
to create a voice file
Choose the voice actor you want and type in the content. That's it!
You can create your own voice files really easily.

With various AI voices provided by,
make your content more valuable.
English, Japanese, Chinese, etc
You can produce voice file in any language in the world.

With 500 AI voice actors from 49 countries,
produce high-quality voice.

With a native speaker's pronunciation
create more professional content.

With's global AI voice,
Produce promotional, educational, product,
and YouTube voice of distinctly different quality.
Use the Storage to
Create Interactive and Language Learning Audio

Merge multiple audio files into one within the storage.
Generate interactive or language learning audio files.
Easily compare various generated voices within the storage.
Through sentence and paragraph downloads
Create audio files faster and easier than ever

Separate sentences using periods or the Enter key
Download hundreds of audio files at once.

For paragraph downloads, enter multiple sentences and use Enter
to separate paragraphs. You'll get one audio file per paragraph.
장식 이미지
차원이 다른 음성으로
듣기 평가 · 시험 감독 · 레벨 테스트
음성을 제작하세요

다양한 억양과 톤으로 음성을 만드세요.
음성간의 간격을 0.1초 부터 60분까지 섬세하게 조절하여
하나의 파일로 모든 듣기평가를 담을 수 있습니다.
샘플 음성 : 한선희, (US)Matilda
팀 협업 이미지
개발 환경 이미지
회의 이미지
팀 협업 이미지
개발 환경 이미지
회의 이미지
장식 이미지
우리 회사만의 통화 연결음
5분만에 제작하세요

원하는 목소리를 선택 후 내용을 입력하여 음성을 생성하세요.
생성된 음성과 배경음을 합성하면 바로 통화 연결음이 완성됩니다.
샘플 음성 : 김민경 (스타일4)
QR 코드 이미지

음성을 제작하고 QR코드로 활용하세요

박물관, 관광지, 전시관을 위한 음성 안내 | BASIC 멤버십 이상

박물관 전시 이미지

음성 생성하기

원하는 언어와 음성으로 안내 멘트를 생성 후 보관함에 저장하세요


QR코드 자동 생성

생성된 음성에 대한 QR코드가 자동으로 생성됩니다


즉시 사용 가능

QR코드를 다운받아 원하는 곳에서 음성 안내를 제공할 수 있습니다

QR코드 스캔 이미지 박물관 관람객 이미지

With ample character count
without worrying about the amount

up to 5,000 characters at a time
can be created into one voice file.

With delicate adjustments
more naturally

by adjusting speed, tone, and volume
you can convey the content more naturally and accurately.
(For paid membership only)

Convert bulk content

YouTube voice, promotional video voice, phone announcement, etc.
With one click, more than 100 sentences
can be created into a voice file.

What Our Users Say

Common Questions

  • Q.

    Is it free to use? expand_more

    Yes. It is free to use. Just sign up and use the free voice to create a file. However, commercial use is only available to paid membership users.

  • Q.

    How many characters can be entered at once? expand_more

    Up to 5,000 characters can be created into one file at a time.

  • Q.

    Is it possible to create a phone announcement? expand_more

    Yes. It is possible. Enter the desired content directly to create a file. Provide the file to the carrier to complete the phone announcement.

  • Q.

    I didn't receive the verification email. What should I do? expand_more

    Some corporate email users may not receive it. Click the chat icon at the bottom right to request assistance from a representative. We will help you with the verification process.

  • Q.

    Is it possible to pay with a corporate card? expand_more

    Yes. It is possible. When paying by card, please enter the business registration number in the date of birth field.

  • Q.

    Can I use it for just one month? expand_more

    Yes. It is possible to use it for just one month. After paying for the membership, go to [My Information] - [Payment Information] to cancel the recurring payment, and you will be able to use it for just one month.

  • Q.

    Do I need to keep paying to maintain the membership for continued commercial use? expand_more

    No. Membership is only needed when creating voice files, and it is not required after creation. If you use Basic membership or higher, the files can be used commercially permanently.

  • Q.

    Can I read sentences with a pause in between? expand_more

    Yes. It is possible. There is a function to read sentences with intervals from 0.1 seconds to 5 seconds.

  • Unlock Premium Features

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